Introducing our Charity Partner - Margaret Green Animal Rescue

Introducing our Charity Partner - Margaret Green Animal Rescue

New Charity Partner for Dogs Dogs Dogs

We've got some really exciting news about the results of our search for a Charity Partner for Dogs Dogs Dogs. Two weeks ago we asked our customers and followers to let us know their favourite Dog related charities, we would then put them into a list and ask everyone to vote for the one we should support. In the first instance we received a selection of 10 dog related charities and put these to a public vote on social media and on our website. The results are in and the winner is...

Margaret Green Animal Rescue

Margaret Green Animal Rescue take in pets that have become homelss due to unforseen circumstances or that have been neglected, mistreated or even abandoned by their owners. These pets receive an outstanding level of care including veterinary services and each one it prepared and rehabilitated ready for their new home. Here is what the charity had to say:

"Margaret Green Animal Rescue is very grateful to Dogs Dogs Dogs for their fantastic donation, which really will go a long way to helping to rehome and rescue over 1,200 animals a year. Animal welfare is at the very heart of everything we do and we firmly believe that every animal deserves to live its life free from distress and pain, and enjoy physical and psychological stimulation. Founded in 1965 we have three sites, two in Dorset and one in Devon. Finding forever homes isone of our main aims and there is no better feeling than knowing we have found the perfect match. Our rehoming process is designed specifically to help potential owners adopt a pet that fits in perfectly with their lives and loved ones.

Holly and Berry are over the moon with the news, partly because Margaret green are located just down the road from Berry's house in Dorset. We are delighted to be a part of the team and look forward to supporting the charity going forwards. 

In the first instance we have donated £100 cash to the charity and will be further supporting them with Dog related equipment for competitions, raffles and shows. As well as more donations as and when we can afford it. If you don't know who they are then please follow Margaret Green on their Social Media channels or visit their website

They have even sent us a thank you puppy. So, thank you to everyone who took part on the charity selection and vote. 

Thank you Puppy

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