Keep Your Car Dry and Clean on Your Next Beach Trip with Your Pup!

Keep Your Car Dry and Clean on Your Next Beach Trip with Your Pup!

As the warm weather finally graces the UK, it’s the perfect time to pack up and head to the beach with your furry friend. There’s nothing like watching your dog joyfully splash in the waves and dig in the sand. However, we all know that a fun day at the beach can leave your car looking and smelling less than ideal. But don't worry—Dogs Dogs Dogs has got you covered with some handy tips and our fantastic drying coats!

Top Tips for a Clean and Dry Car After a Beach Day

1. Pack the Essentials:

  • Fresh Water and Bowl: Hydration is key, especially on hot days.
  • Towel: A quick rubdown before getting back in the car can make a world of difference.
  • Brush: To remove sand and loose fur, a quick brush can help keep the car cleaner.

2. Use Our Drying Coats:

  • Super Absorbent: Designed to soak up moisture, keeping your dog dry and your car mess-free.
  • Easy to Clean: These coats are machine washable and quick-drying.
  • Portable: Lightweight and easy to pack, perfect for any trip.
  • Comfortable: Provides a cozy spot for your dog to relax after a fun day at the beach.

3. Protect Your Car Seats:

  • Car Seat Covers: These provide an extra layer of protection against sand, water, and dog hair.
  • Drying Coats as Extra Barrier: Our drying coats can double as a barrier between your dog and the car seat.

4. Keep a Cleanup Kit in Your Car:

  • Wet Wipes: For quick cleanups.
  • Lint Roller: To remove hair from seats and other surfaces.
  • Plastic Bags: For any unexpected messes.
  • Air Freshener: To keep your car smelling fresh.

5. Post-Beach Routine:

  • Proper Bath: Once home, give your dog a thorough bath to remove any remaining sand and salt.
  • Clean Gear: Wash and dry the drying coat, and clean any towels and seat covers used during the trip.

Explore the Best Dog-Friendly Beaches in the UK

The UK boasts some incredible dog-friendly beaches that you and your pup can enjoy this summer. Here are a few of our favourites:

Always remember to check local guidelines to ensure dogs are allowed and always clean up after your pet to keep these beautiful beaches enjoyable for everyone.

Why Choose Our Drying Coats?

Our drying coats are designed with active, outdoor-loving dogs in mind. They are:

  • Super Absorbent: Quickly soak up moisture, keeping your dog and car dry.
  • Easy to Clean: Machine washable and quick-drying.
  • Portable: Lightweight and easy to pack, perfect for any trip.
  • Comfortable: Provide a cozy spot for your dog to relax after a fun day at the beach.

If you want to know more about where you can take your dog on the beach, you can find a handy guide to dog-friendly beaches on the Beach Guide website. Enjoy the sun while it lasts and we hope you and your pet have a wonderful safe summer. 


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