Puppy Diaries - Zippy

Puppy Diaries - Zippy

It's been a couple of months since Zippy's last diary and in that time he has been on holiday, been violently sick and eaten about ten pairs of shoes.
Our 'puppy' is now 10 months old and his weight gain is starting to slow, as is his veracious appetite thankfully.

Puppy Diaries
He is definitely one of the family now and he had a fantastic time bonding with everyone on our week long staycation in Somerset during summer half term.
We all had a great time, but Zippy definitely loved the holiday the most. He went to his first beach and although he raced from person to person and dog to dog he always made sure he came back to us. He also helped pull my six-year-old son up the steep hillside to the top of Cheddar Gorge and spend many happy days sniffing and foraging in the woods.

He also managed to get used to travelling in the car and sat between my two sons on the back seat he wasn't sick once. At Dogs Dogs Dogs, they have a full range of Doggy Travelling equipment including seats, covers and crates to keep your puppy safe. 


However there are still a couple of areas we are been struggling with, primarily the chewing. Zippy is still teething but also uses chewing as a way to get our attention.

He has plenty of chew toys which he gnaws on when he is content but as soon as I go upstairs he runs around the house trying to find something to chew. He also does this when he is bored and wants to go out for a walk. Countless flip flops, crocs, sneakers and my beloved running shoes have been gnawed at the heel or dragged into the garden.

He also hasn't learnt what is inedible and insists on eating anything he finds in the garden. This included a drain full of fat which made him violently sick for a week.


Another area of tension is the constant battle between Zippy and our two cats. Zippy still desperately wants to play with them and the slightest whiff of a cat and he chases after them. We had them in separate spaces for around five months but now they are mixing more it is often like a scene from Tom and Jerry in our house with animals whizzing everywhere and household items flying.
Dry nights

Earthbound Waterproof Dog Bed
But it isn't all chaos. One thing which has finally stopped at the age of nine months is that Zippy no longer wets his bed at night. Hoorah! We had just ordered him a giant Earthbound luxury waterproof bed for his crate when he decided to stop protest weeing at night. We have always known it was a protest wee because when we were on holiday and he slept in the same room as the kids in his crate he never once wet his bed. But he has now grown out of it.
At night he goes for one last wee in the garden before hiding behind a bush and refusing to come in. But once I nudge him back inside he goes straight into his crate and lies down. He is also better in his crate during the day if I have to pop out and I've even left him in the house for 20 minutes and managed to get back before losing another pair of shoes.

The next big test is how he will cope at the kennel when we fly off to the Caribbean for a two week holiday. We are taking his crate, bed, blanket and toys, and he will love being around other dogs but we have no idea how he will feel about being left in an enclosed space. Only one way to find out.

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